Tuesday, October 12, 2010


We are very happy to report that we have experienced an explosion in our Sunday School attendance. The first Sunday it more than doubled, it took us by surprise; but we were prepared this Sunday. Last Sunday I had made a pan of brownies for the children to eat together at a table downstairs, but more and more children kept coming. I was thinking that I could cut the brownies in half and make them go around; but when the last group of children came in, I looked at Ray and whispered, "No brownies today!"
I made a couple of batches of cookies this Saturday, though; and the children got to enjoy them if they were quiet during Sunday School and did as I asked them to do. All of them got to eat cookies. :) These children are so loving and good. Ray and I have to keep things moving quickly from one part of the service to the other, though, to keep their attention. I keep telling Ray that I must 'have my ducks in a row' before the kids get there, though, or I will lose control of them. We also plan many activities. The children who are quiet and sing will have the opportunity to pick a song and hold it while we sing.
We move on quickly to the story when we are done singing, and the ones who sit quietly are called on to come and place a Betty Luken's figure on the board while I am telling the story. They love to do this, and it keeps my hands freed up to talk [I have trouble talking without my hands :) ]
As soon as the story is over, they move over to the tables and work on their attendance chart--coloring, cutting out pieces to put on it, and gluing these to their chart. I try to have a little craft for them to follow, but today I had the little "cookie party." These children are artisans, and we try to keep yard, string, beads, etc. for the older children to work on. They make some cute projects. We also try to keep painting or wood craft projects on hand. For next week, I have glued some tiny rolling eyes on acorns and plan to have the kids string some beads and glue to string into the cap of the acorn.

I never knew the day would come when I would be
happy to see a big mess like this after the children
go home! :)
We had a small attendance upstairs for the morning service this morning, though last Sunday we had a good attendance. Up and down--this is the nature of the work. We feel that the ones who come are sincere and seeking after God.
Monday classes are going well. I thoroughly enjoy working in this capacity, and I am thankful for this opening. I have met many nice people. I take pleasure in the opportunities to get more acquainted with my students. They often linger during breaks or after class to talk, and we have nice conversations. My students are people who are trying to better their own lives and the lives of their families and their tribe. These students are balancing a grueling schedule and financial load to accomplish what they have a vision to accomplish. I feel honored to be a part of their lives. Thank you for your interest in Lower Brule. Please continue to pray that we will be wise in the work, that money will be raised to pay the loaner back for the van, and that Ray will be able to accomplish the work on the basement that he has been pursuing for a couple of months now.
There is dirt work to be done and gravel to pour, as well as sealing the basement walls outside. He has been trying to work his way through the system, and the progress is slow, though fall marches on.
God is working, and we awed by His plans as they unfold.
Sunday and Monday were especially awesome days, and I took many pictures. I will share some of them with you. Have a wonderful week, and God bless you!

Lower Brule is just behind the buttes

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pics - you're right, it does look like fall!
