Sunday, April 4, 2010


Good Friday evening we drove out to Lower Brule and set up the church for a Good Friday and Communion service. We appreciated the neighboring mission pastors who cooperated with us in this service. A local pastor from Lower Brule came in to the service, and Lindell Howard the pastor of the Fort Thompson Wesleyan Chapel helped with the music. Scott Yoder and his family from the Ravinia Community Church attended and he helped by speaking to us about the last sayings of Jesus while He was on the cross. Dale and Judy Sherman from the Winner Lakota Chapel also came, and Dale assisted Ray in serving the communion. A few people attended from the community. It is so nice to enjoy fellowship from those who are also working in the The Vineyard.We began our Easter morning by getting out of bed at 5:00 AM so that we could attend an Easter Sunrise service at Ravinia at 6:30 AM. It was a beautiful drive, and the service was very worshipful. They had a good attendance. Their lovely church was just remodeled by Scott. The pastor had prepared an awesome breakfast for everyone after church--biscuits and gravy and the fixins'.
From Ravinia we drove to Lower Brule to worship with our people there. Esther had a good group of children in the basement. They were quite lively this morning. Ray had a good message for those of us upstairs. We were happy to have a mother of some of the children come, also. She seemed so happy to be there. We pray for the lovely, friendly people of Lower Brule. We appreciate that the Pilgrim Holiness Church in Michigan sent money for the mission, and this money made these special services possible. We also bought some Easter flowers and distributed them to the families of those who attended the service this morning. They were so appreciative of the little gift. Thank you for your interest and your prayers for Lower Brule as we do what we can to help the church to meet the needs of the people of the community.

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